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— — - Aircraft parked at MAPS air museum, Dedicatedbr / to Lt. Neil Armstrong
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

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Aircraft parked at MAPS air museum, Dedicated
to Lt. Neil Armstrong


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a mentor
The F9F Panther was a straight wing jet of the late '40s :-(

see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grumman_F9F_Panther
a mentor
TRY to verify before you post errantly :-(
a mentor
and the designation for Wright-Patterson is KFFO; the Museum is MAPS Air Museum
avgeekedPhoto Uploader
a mentor So sorry, I should have used the website of the museum, I have updated the type according to the museum website provided here: https://mapsairmuseum.org/post-war-era-vietnam-1954-1979/
avgeekedPhoto Uploader
This photo shows John Glenn’s aircraft which is the same.


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