Most likely the two Captains let each other know their positions and intentions, just like an uncontrolled field.
Unfortunately,exhausted employees are not unusual in aviation.
Most likely the two Captains let each other know their positions and intentions, just like an uncontrolled field.
Unfortunately,exhausted employees are not unusual in Austin.
This is what happens when the bean counters and vulture capitalists take over a company. Wring it dry and leave the husk in bankruptcy for the employees. Old, old story.
The CAT is always out there. My lap belt is always on and snugged from blocking out to blocking in at the destination. I knew a flight attendant who was caught in the aisle when the plane hit severe turbulence. She hit the ceiling and came down on a seatback, breaking her back and pelvis. She was so badly injured that she never worked again. She was lucky that she regained the ability to walk after multiple surgeries.
Boeing had better hope that there are no more accidents attributable to the Max with unmodified MCAS systems. I'm sure involved carriers are training for possible MCAS failure in the better run carriers, but I'm wondering about the carriers which are "less well run." Another accident would be a body blow to Boeing that they just can't afford to deal with.
As a retired airline ground and CS supervisor, I think it's past time that an all carrier no-fly list be created. Flying is a privilege, not a right. I went through some pretty rough treatment in my day. It's not just in the US. either.
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