Glenn Mottley, according to the Museum website it is a Douglas A4A.
Written on 2022/12/04
Thank you, Greg Byington!!
Written on 2022/12/03
@Bob Harrington, The website does state "our A-4A is painted and marked to represent an A-4F as flown by the US Navy Blue Angels Demonstration Team from 1974-1986." For more information visit:
Written on 2022/12/03
@Roger Vazquez It surely is!
Written on 2022/12/02
@themold, It is going to be parked for good amount of time, so less weight is probably better.
Written on 2022/12/02
This photo shows John Glenn’s aircraft which is the same.
Written on 2022/11/22
a mentor So sorry, I should have used the website of the museum, I have updated the type according to the museum website provided here:
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