And other users who 100% of the time post Airbus in a positive light and Boeing in a negative light... But I think it's clear as day we know who these people are already...
No thanks needed. I just like to make sure everyone/everything gets equal amounts of exposure. But I'm glad to see some people appreciate it and will show it! Unlike some users whose comments are negative 90% of the time...
Let's not glaze over the fact towards the beginning, the article also says "The deal, roughly split with rival Boeing (BA.N), covers a total of 425 single-aisle jets including 235 Airbus A320neo-family planes as well as 190 Boeing 737 MAX airliners reported by Reuters last month, the sources said, asking not to be named." I'm sure you posted it because you saw it was a win for Airbus (as given by the title). But it's also a win for Boeing too...
One more article plus SWISS official press release...
Good on both of them! The flexibility (at least for the 787s) will really be a key benefit for United as they see fit going in to the future. I wonder if it'll be the same deal for the 737 MAX since it doesn't seem to mention that in the article
Update: Sources are now saying pilot has landed and authorities have that person in custody after stealing the plane and threatening to crash in to a local Walmart
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