"International Air Transport Association (IATA) Director General Willie Walsh said that many US carriers could not meet required measures due to supply chain issues, certification delays, and inevitable logistical challenges." İf those reasons are not enough for you and thinking there should be more, please DYOR.
Thank God I don't need meds. But you should open your eyes. Ukraine is an intentionally selected victim to cover their shits. Where are the Nato troops? (Zelensky asks not me, because he was promised so before increasing tension with Russia). Where are the big prominent western weapons promised to Ukraine? Their only hope only 20 Turkish drones to stop fatal Russian troops, but how long? They even made a song for them which went viral on social media. I did not hear anything about any western weapon so far.I read in the news yesterday.(Washington Post), The US asks Turkey to send its S-400s to Ukraine, but why it doesn't send the Patriots? Are you kidding? West doesn't even move a finger for poor Ukrainians. Only talking.
I've always been in love with FlightAware's simplistic approach for both average aviation enthusiasts and pro aviatiors, which paved the way for a huge community here. Let's hope Collins do not destroy it, but it's very unlikely as big corporations are very capable of messing everything up after take overs to look more corporate.
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)
A robot pilot passes FAA test and makes its first flight
Irvine, California - A robot pilot passed the FAA tests and made its first flight. But it also had its first accident.
At that point I agree to you. They should have spoken out before. It's too late now. Hundreds of people lost their lives. But, if there is an omission, we must know whose fault it is, so it wouldn't happen again. I don't accuse or defend anyone. I just want to know the truth like all.
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