An end for the Boeing 767-300F in the Kalitta Air fleet. These aircraft are on average 31.3 years old and the end was soon near, and has been completed. (Photo of Kalitta 767-300 --> ( 기타...
After squawking code 7700, K4636, or registered as N744CK, diverted to Skyxe airport in Saskatoon. No further information beyond the squawk code has been released. Seven crew members traveling from Cincinnati to Anchorage no injuries were reported and was met by a number of emergency equipment on the ground. ( 기타...
Slovakia has recently completed the transfer of 13 MiG-29 aircraft in which they have no use for. They are currently out of service, however Ukraine has what it takes to get them airworthy again amidst the war with Russia. ( 기타...
Vandalia, OH. An United CRJ-200 skids off of runway at Dayton International Airport. FAA officials stated "Air Wisconsin Flight 3818 slid off the runway after landing at Dayton International Airport around 7:10 p.m. local time today. No injuries were reported. Passengers were bused to the terminal. The Bombardier CRJ200 departed from Washington Dulles International Airport. The FAA will investigate. Please contact the airline for additional information." -WDTN ( 기타...
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