Incredible footage of an Airbus A380 hovering over Heathrow during storm Eunice
LONDON, UK — YouTube aviation channel Speedbird TV filmed an incredible footage of a Qatar Airways A380's attempt landing at London Heathrow during Storm Eunice.The producer said it was "insane" and “intense”. “Never have I seen that, and I have been live-streaming aviation for 10 years!” (www.airlinerwatch.com) 기타...FAA: Pilots should be capable of flying aircraft manually when needed
WASHINGTON — According to Federal Aviation Administration, airlines need to provide more extensive pilot training to avoid potential accidents when pilots are forced to take manual control during emergencies or become confused due to erroneous flight data provided by automated systems. (www.airlinerwatch.com) 기타...American Airlines responds to video of pilot threatening to 'dump' passengers in Kansas
American Airlines has issued a statement defending the actions of a pilot who said he would "put this plane down in the middle of Kansas and dump people off" if they didn’t behave on a flight leaving from Washington D.C. on Friday. (www.foxnews.com) 기타...The FAA May Put An End to Shrinking Airline Seats and Cramped Leg Room
It’s getting more and more crowded to fly in coach—but there’s a chance the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) could step in. The FAA is set to announce the results of its review of seat sizes and leg room in the near future. That review could prevent airlines from further reducing the space available to passengers as carriers cram a few extra seats on board. (fortune.com) 기타...Ukrainians Shoot Down Su-35
It’s just one plane but Ukrainian forces quickly let the world know that they had shot down one of Russia’s most capable aircraft Sunday. A video and photos posted online Sunday showed an Su-35 diving vertically before pancaking in the Kharkiv region. (www.avweb.com) 기타...This is how the Boeing 797 will look like
Seattle - More information is now available about the Boeing's NMA, New Mid-market Airplane. Journalist Jon Ostrower reports the planning around the aircraft and holds an image giving some idea how the future device will look like. (jonostrower.com) 기타...Boeing posts a video of the 787-10 on ground and flight tests
Los Angeles - Boeing posted a video of the 787-10's recent flight and ground tests, the largest model in the Dreamliner family. In particular, low and high-speed take-off tests were conducted at the Edwards US Air Force base in California and aerodynamic flight tests a few feet above the ground, one of the most exciting for pilots. (airlinerwatch.com) 기타...Airbus stops the delivery of five A330 destined to HNA Group Airlines
Toulouse - Airbus holds back the delivery of five A330 to Hainan Airlines, Tianjin Airlines, and Beijing Capital Airlines due to the late payments from Chinese conglomerate HNA Group. (airlinerwatch.com) 기타...Airline operators to face route planning restrictions due to ETOPS downgrade for the 787-9
New York - Rolls-Royce increases the inspection frequency of Trent 1000 "Package C" engines to a monthly interval due to the recent problems reported by the clients. Operators also need to be prepared for route planning restrictions. (airlinerwatch.com) 기타...What happened to the "Center Core" of Falcon Heavy
Florida - The Falcon Heavy rocket of SpaceX made a successful launch on February 6 from Kennedy Space Center, with a limited edition of Tesla Roadstar as its payload, playing David Bowie’s ‘Space Oddity’ on repeat. (airlinerwatch.com) 기타...Squawks Voted On
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