29 투표수 (4.76 평균) 및 2,738 조회수  

UR-82072 —
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체


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Tim Segulin
"Be brave like Kherson".
Thank goodness they moved some of these big Antonovs out of Hostomel before the Russians attacked.
Samuel Bixler
Type designator is A124, not A121. Look it up before you post!
David Plummer
Samuel Bixler - Are you always so rude? Or is this just a special day for you?
Mark Henley
Probably bad pizza for lunch...
David Plummer
Mark - LOL
Sam Bixler, accuracy counts, kudos! Davin p and Mart h, does it really matter
Tim S. Indeed! Do so wish the AN-225 had been somewhere else as well.
bentwing - Of course accuracy counts, but we are all humans. But this isn't national security with lives being dependent upon the accuracy of the posts. It is a flipping picture of an airplane. The world isn't going to explode because someone doesn't put the precise type indicator on a picture. There was no need for the rudeness directed at the person who posted the picture.


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