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Accurate Insights for Every Flight

Smart phone with aircraft notifications appearing and bell to represent alerts.

Get immediate flight alerts

Create flight alerts to be notified when flights are delayed or cancelled. You can also receive alerts before the aircraft lands so you can get to the airport right on time.
Illustration showing a clock and two blocks full of rows of lines representing historical activity log.

Access historical flight data

FlightAware makes record keeping, fact checking, and logbook maintenance easy by giving you historical flight data from 3, 5, or 8 months back.
Illustration showing a star, aircraft taking off, and an airport control tower to represent saving aircraft and airport.

Save top airports and aircraft

Bookmark your top airports and aircraft in My FlightAware so you can easily check on statuses and more.

Looking for something else?

FlightAware Aviator

FlightAware Aviator

The ultimate flight tracking suite for small aircraft/general aviation (GA) owners and operators.
FlightAware Global

FlightAware Global

Professional flight tracking for business jet owners and operators.
FBO Toolbox

FBO Toolbox

Inbound and outbound airport flight tracking for FBOs.


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